Let’s face it.
Most students struggle at some point in their academic career.
Whether your child has fallen behind or is just needing a boost of academic encouragement, tutoring may be just what you’re looking for.
If you are curious about tutoring, read on.
This guide will cover the many benefits of having a tutor, and how tutoring can help improve your child’s academic, emotional, and social growth.
Why Is Tutoring Meaningful?
The benefits of tutoring include …
- Strengthening subject comprehension
- Boosting confidence; and
- Building critical learning skills
A skilled tutor engages in the “whole child” approach to education, which ensures each student is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.
What Is the Whole-Child Education Approach?
The whole-child approach to teaching believes in nurturing and supporting all areas of a child’s learning and development and follows five tenets:
- Each student enters school healthy and learns about and practices a healthy lifestyle.
- Each student learns in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe for students and adults.
- Each student is actively engaged in learning and connected to the school and broader community.
- Each student has access to personalized learning and is supported by qualified, caring adults.
- Each student is challenged academically and prepared for success in college or further study and for employment and participation in a global environment.
The whole child approach encourages children to learn and think by being responsive to a child’s …
- Understanding
- Interests; and
- Abilities
… and by allowing them to deepen their natural curiosity, along with their eagerness to discover and learn more.
What does the whole child approach look like in real life? Let’s take a look at math tutoring as an example.
Many students receive tutoring in math. Most of the time, they are looking at math on a very surface level and don’t see the point of mastering math skills for any reason other than just getting a good grade.
But if we look at it on a deeper level, math is really all about critical thinking and logic skills.
At Emergent Education, we focus on the goal of teaching students how to think.
Once they have developed strong critical thinking skills, they can apply that knowledge to almost every area of their lives.
Our tutors try to incorporate that kind of attitude into every discussion.
It’s not just about learning how to factor a quadratic. It’s learning to recognize and understand patterns and how they serve you as an individual and a thinker.
And of course, that matters throughout all of life.
A huge part of academic success is mindset. One of the benefits of private tutoring with Emergent Education is our focus on the whole child approach.
We spend time with our students, working with them on how they think about problems and challenges — and teaching them not to shut down, but to deal with the problem while seeing it as an opportunity to grow.
10 Benefits of Tutoring With Emergent Education
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey, the average class size as of 2015 in a public primary school in the US was 26.8 students.
Any way you look at it, it’s clear to see that classrooms in the United States are overcrowded.
And as much as a teacher may want to see students succeed, sometimes class size just doesn’t allow for the one-on-one time it takes to meet each student’s individualized needs.
This is where Emergent Education shines.
Let’s take a look at the top 10 benefits of tutoring with Emergent Education.
#1: Tutoring Caters to Individual Learning Experiences
When it comes to learning, one size doesn’t fit all. Everyone student is different.
There are four main learning styles:
- Visual
- Auditory
- Kinesthetic
- Reading/Writing
An individual may have one dominant style or a combination (multimodal learner).
Whether a student thrives by using one, or multiple learning styles, the tutors at Emergent Education can help.
One of the big benefits of tutoring is the opportunity to customize the tutoring experiences to ensure each student is learning effectively — in the way that best works for them.
Our tutors can assess the student’s learning style and needs then set just the right pace to achieve the desired results.
Whether your student needs remediation for skills they may have missed or could use an extra academic challenge, we take the time to ensure they receive the individualized instruction they need to get back on track.
#2: Tutoring Provides One-on-One Attention
Classroom teachers and parents don’t always have the time or ability to provide the quality and attention needed to work with a struggling learner.
Another benefit of having a tutor is their ability to provide students with the one-on-one engagement they need to excel academically.
Students are unique individuals, and sometimes what they are struggling with isn’t what you might expect.
A child’s academic discrepancies might have nothing at all to do with ability, but may be caused instead by:
- A difficult home setting, such as illness or divorce
- Abuse
- Depression or anxiety
A skilled tutor focuses on the student as a person. They take the time to provide one-on-one attention to the individual, seeking to engage them wherever they are and in whatever way works for that particular moment.
At the end of the day, the student will remember what was meaningful — and if we can get our students engaged they will retain much more from the tutoring session.
#3: Tutoring Improves Academic Performance
Whether it’s the benefits of tutoring special education or the benefits of an after-school tutoring program, studies clearly show that students who participate in tutoring see an overall improvement in academic performance.
Tutoring has been proven to increase grades and scores for 8 out of 10 students, while at the same time boosting test scores by up to 12 percentage points.
#4: Tutoring Can Improve Student Attitude Towards Learning and School
Maybe you have a student — or are that student yourself — who suddenly doesn’t like school anymore. They might say …
- “It’s too hard”
- “There’s too much work to do”
- They can’t keep up; or
- They are not as smart as the other students in class
… and your efforts to help get them motivated and caught up only result in frustration and zero progress.
Private tutoring with Emergent Education can help!
Alongside one of our tutors, students learn work and study habits they may not have acquired in their school setting.
Their grades improve — and so does their attitude towards school and learning.
#5: Tutoring Encourages Self-Guided Learning
Teaching a student to be a self-motivated, lifelong learner is one of the greatest gifts you can give.
Whether it be academics or learning a new hobby, one of the great benefits of having a tutor is that they can give a student the skills they need to successfully study and learn independently so they can reach their goals inside and outside the classroom.
A tutor can help a student understand how they learn and teach them ways to structure the learning environment to best meet their academic needs.
They’ll learn how important it is to sit down with a subject and see it through to completion.
The tutor will provide encouragement and motivation to help the student complete their school work — and when the student sees their personal growth they will begin to take ownership of their studies.
Once a learner understands what works best for them, their ability to guide their own instruction will increase.
This type of intrinsic motivation will yield much academic success, as well as long-term effects.
#6: Tutoring Can Help Boost Confidence
We know that a tutor can provide support academically.
But one of the benefits of tutoring, particularly one-on-one, provides a type of support that extends far beyond academics.
The personalized approach of private tutoring can help a student become increasingly confident in their abilities.
A student who feels confident in their ability to succeed in the classroom will experience a boost of confidence in other areas of their life.
With better grades comes an increased level of self-esteem.
Frequently, a student who is unsuccessful in the classroom will experience a plummet in their self-esteem. They may feel “dumb” and unable to figure out why everyone else understands what’s going on except for them.
The tutors at Emergent Education take the time to get to know the student, creating a safe place for learning where they can talk about the issues affecting their ability to comprehend.
The student’s confidence will grow, along with feelings of self-worth and capability.
#7: Tutoring Helps Students Overcome Learning Obstacles
It can be easy for a teacher to miss seeing a student’s learning difficulties in a classroom setting.
One of the benefits of one-on-one tutoring is that a tutor can identify and manage any learning struggle a student may be facing, meeting it head-on.
Let’s take another look at elementary math.
The national Common Core standards have made simple arithmetic not quite so simple anymore and attempting to teach your child to add, subtract, multiply and divide can be akin to learning Calculus.
Most parents don’t have the time or energy it would take to relearn basic math skills to teach their child.
But a tutor who is skilled in the current standards will be able to provide just the right instruction the student needs to nudge them past any learning obstacles.
A tutor can provide a different perspective to bridge the gap and get the student over the hump.
#8: Tutoring Encourages Students to Ask Questions
Children can often feel uncomfortable asking questions in front of a classroom full of their peers.
But in the non-threatening atmosphere of tutoring, students have the opportunity to become more comfortable asking questions, big or small.
A student who feels comfortable seeking help for the things they don’t quite understand is well on the way to strengthening their academic know-how.
#9: Tutoring Improves Social and Behavioral Skills
Another benefit of tutoring is that it can help a child develop better communication skills, thus improving their relationships with others, both inside and outside the classroom.
Tutoring helps develop skills such as:
- Listening attentively
- Communicating needs
- Vulnerability in expressing areas they are struggling with
- Goal setting
- Perseverance
Social skills apply to every area of life, and any opportunity we can give students to fine-tune those skills will help them both now and down the road.
#10: Tutoring Supports In-Class Learning
The final benefit of tutoring with Emergent Education is that our tutors can tailor tutoring sessions to the content and material the student is working on in the classroom.
They can help increase the child’s interest in the subject they are learning in school and show how the concepts apply in real life.
The tutor can even contact the child’s teacher to learn more about the student’s needs and the best way to approach tutoring instruction.
And having a tutor Is a huge plus when it comes to keeping students on track during breaks from school, such as Spring Break or summer vacation.
Schedule a Complimentary Tutoring Session With Emergent Education
Today’s students have a lot to keep up with and personalized learning is essential now, more than ever.
And if a child fails to master a fundamental skill, they can easily fall behind.
Let Emergent Education help take the frustration out of education.
We offer tutoring in …
- One-on-one
- Small group
- In-person; and
- Online sessions
… and have services for every subject and budget.
Our team of student tutors and professional educators can help you build confidence and skills that reach far beyond the classroom.
With diverse educational skills and experience, we’ll match you with the tutor best suited to meet your student’s individual needs.
Call Emergent Education today to get your first session for FREE!